Did that get your attention? 😊 There is so much in the news and in our conversations about sex, gender, who you have sex with or don't have sex with. My grandmother was shocked back in the 60's when Jane Russell started advertising Playtex bras. I would imagine she is spinning in her grave at what is advertised today! In the 70's, it was a big deal when a toilet flushed! A ground-breaking event.
Now, today, even our kindergarten children are forced to try to figure out what to call their classmates. In a charter school in Rocklin, California, a student was re-introduced after recess as a different gender. One child was sent to the "office" because she slipped and called "her" "him". Honestly, what are we expecting from 5 year-old children today? Why was this done in the first place?
Why is society (or whoever it is) calling so much attention to less than 1% of our population anyway? I had the privilege of calling two different "trans-gendered" individuals my friends. The first one ended up regretting the decision and had another major surgery to go back to his biological sex. For many years, he lived life as a woman and was even featured on HBO in the 80's for his radical (back then, it was extremely rare) change. This individual was one of the kindest persons I had ever met and I ached for her when she became so unhappy with her decision. It was a spiritual, emotional as well as physical decision she made. Her significant other who was married to him when he was a man (original sex) had to divorce him because, as you know, same-sex marriage was illegal in the 80's. But, as far as she was concerned, she loved the person he/she was and she was her best friend. (confused, yet? sorry). So they stayed together until the significant other died.
The second person I called my friend completely floored me when she told me she had been born male. There was nothing masculine about her - not her mannerisms, her voice, nothing! She was a lot of fun and a very compassionate person. As far as I know, she is still living her life as a female. She didn't tell me why she felt as if she was "really" a female in a male body. I didn't ask because I figured if she wanted me to know, she'd tell me.
I relate these two stories to express that I am not a "hater" or a "transphobe". What I am concerned about is a current bill before the California State Assembly (AB2349) that would prevent a counselor, psychiatrist, pastor, etc. from even listening much less trying to help a person who had what is called "gender dysphoria"; who become psychologically depressed, distraught, confused about the sex change. Books that address this situation would be banned for sale. I don't quite know how California is going to stop Amazon from selling them however. This bill isn't fair or kind or understanding for the person who decides that they are now not sure they are or are not the biological sex they were born to. Who are they going to talk to? Where are they going to get help? Does this mean they have to go out of state to get the help they need? Again, we are talking about a tiny percentage that this bill is supposed to "help" but my question is what is the point of it?
Is the bill simply the State's heavy-handedness to say what counselors we may see or what books we can read? Some have said the bill would ban the Bible but I hope that is just hysterical hype. California has some serious problems that its government needs to address that has nothing to do with sex! Our water, our raging forest fires that happen more and more frequently, floods, crime, gangs, etc. Why is our state spending time on something that is so trivial and affects so few individuals?
I am calling our State Assembly to table the bill and take care of issues that affect all of us!
Wednesday, August 8, 2018
Wednesday, June 27, 2018
Really fed up!
I haven't posted in this blog for a long time. There is so much going on that I didn't know where or what to post about. I plan to change that as of now. My post title is "Really Fed Up" and this is what I am fed about it: the constant negativity from the main-stream media and liberals. Talk about sore losers!! Geesh!
I was not happy at all when Obama was elected and then re-elected but I didn't lie about him, say mean, hateful things about him publicly. What I did was pray for the man. My standard of reference is the Holy Bible and in 1 Timothy 2:2, Paul admonishes us to pray for those in authority over us so that we may "lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence." My prayer for Obama and all those that lead in government is that they all come to know Jesus Christ as his/her personal Savior; that they would have godly wisdom when it comes to handling sensitive issues.
What good does it do to continue to stir up hatred? I don't get it. Why can't we have a discussion of our differences of opinion without filthy, foul name-calling? That is not a discussion. Because I support President Trump, I have been called a racist, a white supremacist, a Nazi, a homophobe, a xenophobe, and other names I won't call out here because it's foul language. How can we have a rational discussion when name-calling is the only response to a thoughtful question? We can't.
What happened to public debate that didn't include taking aim at a person's core values, or attacking a person's character? The biggest thing is that these attacks don't solve anything. When we behave like this, we are only part of the problem and certainly not part of the solution.
Kindness, compassion and thoughtful debate are what others hear. Oh, sure, we hear the name-calling but all that does is cause defensive mechanisms. We lose sight of the core issues and nothing gets solved. I encourage our leaders, starting with President Trump to stop name-calling, character assassination and telling lies. Someone has to start acting like adults!
I was not happy at all when Obama was elected and then re-elected but I didn't lie about him, say mean, hateful things about him publicly. What I did was pray for the man. My standard of reference is the Holy Bible and in 1 Timothy 2:2, Paul admonishes us to pray for those in authority over us so that we may "lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence." My prayer for Obama and all those that lead in government is that they all come to know Jesus Christ as his/her personal Savior; that they would have godly wisdom when it comes to handling sensitive issues.
What good does it do to continue to stir up hatred? I don't get it. Why can't we have a discussion of our differences of opinion without filthy, foul name-calling? That is not a discussion. Because I support President Trump, I have been called a racist, a white supremacist, a Nazi, a homophobe, a xenophobe, and other names I won't call out here because it's foul language. How can we have a rational discussion when name-calling is the only response to a thoughtful question? We can't.
What happened to public debate that didn't include taking aim at a person's core values, or attacking a person's character? The biggest thing is that these attacks don't solve anything. When we behave like this, we are only part of the problem and certainly not part of the solution.
Kindness, compassion and thoughtful debate are what others hear. Oh, sure, we hear the name-calling but all that does is cause defensive mechanisms. We lose sight of the core issues and nothing gets solved. I encourage our leaders, starting with President Trump to stop name-calling, character assassination and telling lies. Someone has to start acting like adults!
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