I wanted to share that I am blessed. Yes, I have often written about political issues and our negative culture but, for a change, I want to share how good God has been to me. I have a wonderful husband. He is a gift from God. That is a long story that I won't go into right now but he is an answer to prayer. I think he knows that. He is easy-going, even when he doesn't feel good. He is steady. I can count on his steady mood. He isn't moody at all. He is not short-tempered. It takes a lot to make him angry. That is such a blessing!
I have two wonderful adult children. They know me. They know how I could be moody, short-tempered, unstable sometimes. They know me but still love me. They have also blessed me with four wonderful grandchildren. Of course, every grandma says their grandchildren are the best and I am not an exception. 😉 Three of them are now adults according to the law (over 18). The other is 16. They love me too and I am so proud of all four of them. They are growing into responsible adults, have goals, going somewhere in life!
I have not written much about myself on this blog but I do want you to have a glimpse of me. Besides being a mother, grandmother, wife, I am a woman nearly 75 years old and have seen a lot over the years. I have been negative in the past, but because of my relationship with Jesus Christ, getting to know Him and His Father, God, and the Holy Spirit, I am much more positive. Studying the Word of God, the Bible, has been crucial in my growth to be a positive person.
Why is that important to me? I am happier and healthier and I think it's because I tend to be positive, and have faith that things will work out for my good. In our society today, I see so much hate, anger, bitterness and unforgiveness. All of those negative emotions are so hard on one's body and mind. They will shorten lives but, more importantly, these emotions will cause our journey through this life to be miserable as well as unhealthy. Yes, things need to change in the political spectrum. Yes, there are some who are being unfairly. All of these things we see are not good but I believe that holding on to negative emotions doesn't solve any of it! All it does is make US sick and miserable.
If you have a relationship with God, pray. If not, then think positive thoughts. Cast away hate and unforgiveness. Look at nature -- the flowers, the birds, the trees, all of the magnificent natural beauty. None of that has changed over the centuries. We still see blue skies and puffy white clouds just as Abraham in the Bible did. God is constant and He holds the universe in His capable hands. Worrying about things we have no control over will just rob us of all the blessings we have around us. I know that some reading this will think I don't have a realistic view on life. I beg to differ! It is much easier to count my blessings than to worry about things and people that I can't control. Be blessed!
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